It’s Love Your Zoo Week!

This week is a very exciting time here at Flamingo Land as it’s not only May half term but also ‘Love your zoo week’ which is an annual nationwide event where BIAZA members promote the great work that they do towards education, conservation and research. BIAZA stands for the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums which is the professional body representing the best zoos and aquariums in the UK and Ireland.

Here at Flamingo Land we will be running some informative and fun-filled activities at the Education Centre for all ages. There is a love your zoo trail for guests to follow around the zoo and discover more about some their favourite animal’s adaptations, appearance and their conservation. Free sweets will be given out to those who take part as well as official ‘Love your zoo’ BIAZA stickers.

Other activities include a true or false game where guests can test their knowledge about Flamingo Land’s different species of animals past and present. We will also have love hearts cut out where guests can write why they love our zoo and pin them up on the walls of the centre. There are also word searches, crosswords and colouring in to do too! The Education Centre is next to Muddy Duck Café and our Shetland pony paddock. It is open all day and guests are free to enter whenever they please and there is also a Meet a Creature session at 3pm every day where they can handle and have up close views of some of our smaller animals.

Zoos that are members of BIAZA represent how they are more than just a great day out, they are also a safe and fun way to learn about animals. For everyone that enters they are also contributing towards animal welfare and conservation fieldwork in the UK and across the globe. BIAZA members are funding over £11million every year towards conservation field work and research including Flamingo Land’s very own Udzungwa Forest Project in Tanzania. This is vital towards saving thousands of critically endangered animals in the wild.

So if you want to show how much you love your zoo and helping animals in the wild then head on down to Flamingo Land this May half term.
