Meet our Keepers

Here at Flamingo Land we are very proud of our zoo, and we hope you enjoy it just as much as we do. But who is responsible for how great the place looks? Our keepers of course! All the keepers here at the zoo are extremely dedicated to the work that they are doing. Come rain or shine they are always working hard for the animals and for the members of the public.

The keeper’s day starts off with the zoo morning meeting. This is a chance for everyone to get together and update each other about what is happening in the different areas of the zoo. There are five sections in the zoo ranging from South America, Paddocks (which includes the rhinos, giraffes and ostriches), and Farm to Children’s Planet. Each section will have a group of keepers that work only on that section. Once everyone has been briefed, the real work starts.

This week we will be following what happens in the paddocks team. The keepers who work on paddocks probably have the biggest section of the zoo to look after. Paddock section includes rhinos, giraffes (both herds), zebras, ostriches, guinea fowl and camels. The first task in the morning is to check that all the animals have had a good night’s sleep and give them their morning feed. Once all the animals have been fed and let out for the day the keepers will then begin the task of cleaning – and in the paddocks section this is no mean feat – cleaning out the rhino enclosure is a workout in itself! Once the enclosures have been completely cleaned out and set for another day, the keeper must prepare more feeds and design and make enrichment for the animals. Enrichment on the paddocks section has to be sturdy. Large tractor tyres to push around and barrels filled with tiger poo are a favourite with our rhinos!

The keepers also give talks to the public at designated times. This is a fantastic experience as people get to hear about the animals in the zoo from the people that take care of them every day. It is also a wonderful opportunity for the public to ask any questions about the animals. The end of the day sees the final checks and dinner for the animals. Some animals are allowed to stay out overnight such as the lions and tigers, but others have to be brought into their night houses, such as the giraffes. Giraffes are spooked very easily and leaving them out at night puts them at risk of hurting themselves. In the safety of their house, keepers are assured that the giraffes will have a good night’s sleep.

If you would like to know more about the work of a keeper why not come and join us for a day? Our ‘Be a Zoo Keeper’ experience allows you to go behind the scenes and help the keepers complete their daily routines. This experience can be booked for anyone aged 8 and upwards – if you are mad about animals it is definitely not one to be missed! If one day wasn’t enough then our Keeper Academy may be the one for you. This summer we are running a full week of this academy for 15-17 year olds which includes lots of hands-on experiences and theory sessions. The course is designed for those who wish to pursue a career with animals and are looking for opportunities to enhance their CV and job applications, as well as being a lot of fun! More details about Be a Zoo Keeper and Keeper Academy can be found by clicking on the links or contacting our team at
