Difference in hourly rate

Women’s mean hourly rate is 3.5% lower than men’s

In other words when comparing mean hourly rates, women earn 96p for every £1 that men earn.

Women’s median hourly rate is 0% lower than men’s

In other words when comparing median hourly rates, women earn the same as men.

Proportion of women in each pay quartile

Top quartile (highest paid)
30.8% of the top quartile are women
Upper middle quartile
40.2% of the upper middle quartile are women
Lower middle quartile
35.5% of the lower middle quartile are women
Lower quartile (lowest paid)
49.1% of the lower quartile are women

Who received bonus pay

17.5% of women 18% of men

Difference in bonus pay

Women’s mean bonus pay is 47.4% lower than men’s Women’s median bonus pay is 20% lower than men’s I confirm the data reported is accurate Denise Pullin Finance Director