Yellow-Billed Stork

Yellow-billed Storks can be up to 105cm in height, are white in colour with small black tail feathers. They have red faces and forehead and their bills are long and yellow in colour.

Males and females look similar however males tend to have a longer heavier bill. They both generally weigh between 1.9kg to 2.3kg. They can live up to 20 years in captivity. Breeding season for these Storks is generally during flooding season where there is a high abundance of prey.

Males select and occupy nest sites within trees and do displays to the females to impress them. Displays can include picking up twigs with their bills and pretending to strip down each of their extended wings. They become more pink in plummage when it is breeding season too.

Threats to Yellow-Billed Storks include poaching and habitat reduction.


Least Concerned

Near Threatened



Critically Endangered

Extinct In The Wild

Yellow-Billed Storks Gallery