
The White-crowned mangabey originates from the tropical rainforest areas of central and West Africa. The wild population has been reduced by over-hunting and destruction of habitat over the last 30 years. Remaining groups are living in separated fragments of forest and therefore exact numbers are not known, but there are not thought to be more than a few thousand left.

The White-crowned mangabey has a fine body structure with long limbs and a long tail. They have grey-brown fur with a white underside and a long black stripe on their backs. They get their name from the white spot on the top of their heads. The males are much larger than the females.

The white crowned mangabey spends its day foraging for food in the dense forest undergrowth, keeping in contact by constant calling. They eat mainly fruit, nuts and seeds but also insects and spiders. They live in groups of 10-20, formed by several males and females. The males come into the group whilst the females stay put and form the core; adhering to a strict hierarchy to avoid conflict. Female mangabeys will give birth to a single infant after 6 months’ gestation, the infant is born with their eyes open, cling on to their mother from the minute they are born.


Least Concerned

Near Threatened



Critically Endangered

Extinct In The Wild